Monday, February 22, 2010

Sarah Did Sarah Palin Allow Her Daughter To Have Unmonitored Sleepovers Or Camping Trips With Her Boyfriend?

Did Sarah Palin allow her daughter to have unmonitored sleepovers or camping trips with her boyfriend? - sarah

These children have extravagant, like their websites and online photo and adults are covered nowhere in sight.

That's how Sarah Palin raises her children?

So much for family values.


PatriotH... said...

In fact, Sarah oversees the whole thing.
In fact, she was "a challenge."

Nancy T said...

Abstinence in the hope that young women promote respect for their bodies and teach themselves and to prevent a pregnancy. Most young people know that they do not say no to sex with our MTV culture (or lack of. Says) DM: "Learn everything about sex and then to free abortion without the consent of parents subjected to," do not help our Children feel empowered, but exactly the opposite. You are only as good as sleeping with them. Not sex, not abstinence, not always, but the opposite is happening with such alarming, with young people who have children, stupid "save" her boyfriend and adolescents is so common that young men do not feel that there is considerable agreement, or A young woman fights for his betrayal deserves respect and the need for the father of her baby.

Young women are regarded as high, if this mentality must have an end or losing all the women in those areas that have succeeded in this respect the same rights and respect. I want my daughter to know her full body is not a big problemt take lightly or to keep as a way to her boyfriend. This, ladies and gentlemen, why teach abstinence. Make your choice. I have a daughter that every man has sex with as if using public toilets, or they teach, are special.

What Sarah Palin educate their children, it was found that Todd Palin would have to count one parent to stay home. Many parents have two-income families. It seems that you can do the job and more. If parents keep a house with the children, the ideal situation in a loving and care at home, it sounds like a big family. I remember Hillary did not stay home, no law, no Nancy Pelosi, who hope that, as he thought himself Tsar, but as a member of a democratic society, voting on what people want. Their behavior is common and should be removed when its shares prior to the leave of 6 weeks.

Janet:a typical liberal elitist said...

Well, this is in fairness, well much of the family. Me neither, but this type of problem is widespread. I think the reason that looks like a hypocrite because he has a stubborn attitude of abstinence only education, and the Republican Party, said that the values of good family.
If a girl is a Democrat, would surely here and everywhere Trashing Democrats

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