Sunday, February 21, 2010

Orthodox Kosher Paper Plates Where Can I Find A Ketubah Text In Hebrew And English?

Where can I find a ketubah text in Hebrew and English? - orthodox kosher paper plates

At the moment I am learning Hebrew. I'm getting married in 7 months and have my own Ketoubah. I can write in Hebrew, and I hope that the orthodox white text fill, so that you can customize. I'm still hard to read Hebrew, so I have some directions, available in English, such as the need to personalize. I looked online for a book or a pattern of text that can be bought. I already have a kosher parchment. Can anyone help? Thank you.

1 comment:

Aryeh M said...

Firstly, Mazal Tov on your engagement.

You can go to any bookstore in Hebrew (Seforim store) and buy a pre-printed Ketoubah. Then you need to know your name, father's name, the name of his partner and the name of his father. Familiarize yourself with your local Orthodox rabbi, but if they with him on other important details. Part of this is the way to find around in the ketubah (virgin, widow, divorced) and some words of others, from her condition.

I googled a few places, but his English is not an exact translation of the Hebrew, and not even close.

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