Sunday, January 31, 2010

Get Well Strength Poem What About This Poem I Wrote?It Is Called Strength.It Just Poured Out Of Me Right Now?

What about this poem i wrote?It is called Strength.It just poured out of me right now? - get well strength poem

Realism is the truth with a bang
My heart broke over no spark
They beat me all the way to the marrow
It was a fight they could not ignore
It is not enough energy to find the door to
It was only a couple of old traditions
I could not bear it
I've got strength, he could reach,
With more birds


Andrea said...

Rhyme well, but I do not really understand. a good poem should be related .. I think what the reader to read and think, "I know exactly what was the writer when he wrote that"

rhymingr... said...

"I do not judge the work of someone else to sell, but does nothing for me. I am sure would like to be different. Line seven are planned, "I do not. Keep writing.

jethrooo... said...

Yery its good not to take wrong, but. You need not have two ryme. it was good. But really try to write a Ryming without. only speak from his heart.

jethrooo... said...

Yery its good not to take wrong, but. You need not have two ryme. it was good. But really try to write a Ryming without. only speak from his heart.

Charlie Farlie said...

Cindy you are a poet, and I do not know.
Nice poem

His Sapphire said...

Very good. Very sweet. Perhaps a little editing to improve only some of its rough edges, but otherwise very good.

sugurplu... said...

hey I'm writing to brilliat surprisingly Poems

Michael Jackson is Superior to u said...

beautiful poem. very sensitive, self-fulfillment, although the follow-up, not on emotions
can be brilliantly released, but that is not here to print law books.

Guinness said...

I thought you had to make things rhyme, though not "work".

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